
You see them everywhere. Malls. Apartments. Libraries. Shops. Who are they? Yes, you may have guessed. They are: SECURITY GUARDS! (dah-dah-dahhh!) Who, or what, are these creatures? Some say they are near human, but I doubt it. Having had some personal experience with them (does the term 'Ridgewood' ring a bell?), I think I would be able able to give a first-hand account about them, even though there is a chance that this would be my last post if the King of the Security Guards found out.

The Security Guards' sole purpose is to guard places from thieves and such. So, they do have their advantages. But, they have a Dark Side as well. It all started one day, I don't really remember when, but it must have been somewhere in 2005, when Skatezone was a newly-formed group. We were at one of our first few parties, and having quite a helluva time, and making quite a bit of noise, when we saw it. It was him. The Security Guard.

In India, the security guards are exceptionally funny (not to mention that  they might have a screw or two loose in the head). They will blow their whistle for practically everything. And now we shall have a special show by the TBC (Tharun Broadcasting Company): Inside the Mind of a Security Guard.

Brain to lungs: Eyes report that they see a car about to enter the apartment. Blow.
Brain to lungs:
Eyes report that they see car having gone over a hump. Blow.
Brain to lungs: Eyes report that they see car having entered the basement. Blow.
Brain to lungs: Eyes report that they see a car parking. Blow.

Brain to rest of body: Eyes report that they see kids having fun. Interrupt them in any way possible.
Brain to rest of body: Eyes report that they see 30-year-olds climbing a flagpole. Don't do anything. I repeat: DO NOT DO ANYTHING.

And that brings us to an end of our special programme from TBC. Thank you very much and good night.


A Quote

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as though you'll die today"
- James Dean