2K Quarantine!

Today, SEVENTEEN people were absent from 2K! That's like about 12-13 people present! So, because of the H1N1 flu scare and all, RI got damn scared, then quarantined them. Dunno what happened exactly, they either got sent home or were sent to the Raja block. So should be for about a week.

UPDATE: If I'm not wrong, 2I is now quarantined as well.

If Today Was Your Last Day

I got this song from Aru, thot lyrics really meant a lot.

If Today Was Your Last Day
by Nickelback

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride

If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last
Leave old pictures in the past?
Donate every dime you had, if today was your last day?
What if, what if, if today was your last day?

Against the grain should be a way of life
What's worth the price is always worth the fight
Every second counts 'cause there's no second try
So live like you're never living twice
Don't take the free ride in your own life

If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past?
Donate every dime you had?

And would you call those friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories?
Would you forgive your enemies?
And would you find that one you're dreaming of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you'd finally fall in love if today was your last day?

If today was your last day
Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart?
You know it's never too late to shoot for the stars
Regardless of who you are

So do whatever it takes
'Cause you can't rewind a moment in this life
Let nothing stand in your way
'Cause the hands of time are never on your side

If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past?
Donate every dime you had?

And would you call those friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories?
Would you forgive your enemies?
And would you find that one you're dreaming of
Swear up and down to God above
That you'd finally fall in love if today was your last day?


I wrote a continuation to Pain, don't think it's as good, feel free to give me suggestions on how to make it better.

I feel Nothing.
I only remember a great Pain -
It stopped as abruptly as It had come.
What is this?
No, that cannot be.
I am still conscious.
I feel Something -
I feel Hate.
Hate for this Silence,
this Nothingness.
No, I do not Hate It -
I Love It.
Love -
for this Silence,
for this Nothingness,
for this Peace.
It is what I have always wanted.

P.S. No again, I am not turning emo.


Last night, my back was aching a lot (fever), so I tried putting on some muscle relaxant thingy, but all it did was BURN. So while I was writhing in agony (no lah, it didn't hurt that much, it subsided after a few minutes), I thought, "What is pain, exactly?" People with bullet wounds, those who are going to die due to some severe disease, they feel nothing but pain. What are those last moments like to them? Hence this poem. No, ma, I am not turning emo.

That's all I feel
Every pore in my body -
on fire.
A inferno withing me.
I cannot move -
I am helpless.
I can only wait for it to consume me.
Make it go away -
somebody help me!
There is NOTHING I can do!
Everything is
out of reach,
out of control,
out of comprehension.
All I can see, feel and hear -
is Pain.
A volcano.
No, a thousand volcanoes.
That's what it is.
Tens of thousands of raging volcanoes -
all here in my chest.
I am done for.
I do not remember anything -
All I know, is Pain!
Make it go away,
I'll do anything -
just make it go away.

Wadya think? I was really bored, this isn't the kind of stuff I'd usually write, but it was 2.30 in the morning, I couldn't go to sleep, so I started doing random stuff - writing, listnening to music, reading, blah blah blah.

SZ reunion!

So after about 1 year, SZ is finally together again! We went to NSRCC in Changi, then went to the arcade *koffkoffgamblingkoffkoff* and played and played and played (lol I used 20 bucks so everyone had to wiat for me...). Then we went cycling and the stupid stand on my bike kept falling down, and in the ned I got so fed up I just gave up on it. Then we sat down for a long time, watching TV, playing Rubbish, etc etc. Then DC! I have got to do some more exercise... Can't even sprint without getting stitches... And then we had dinner, parents came, talked and talked and talked and talked, then went home.

P.S. Sorry so short I'm seriously in a hurry now.

A Quote

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as though you'll die today"
- James Dean